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Surgery for morbid obesity has spread worldwide, to the point that more than half a million people are operated on each year. As a result, significant numbers of people are living with a new anatomical condition. A mini-gastric bypass is a relatively new bariatric procedure that has gained popularity because of its simplicity and efficacy. Leak rate after this procedure is relatively low (on the order of 1.6%), but marginal ulcer of gastrojejunal anastomosis, if undetected, may lead to leak development.

No cases of delayed massive choleperitoneum caused by an almost complete disruption of gastrojejunal anastomosis after mini-gastric bypass have yet been described.

Case presentation:

We describe here the case of a 51-year-old woman who presented at the emergency department three months after a mini-gastric bypass with acute abdomen caused by massive choleperitoneum due to an almost complete disruption of gastrojejunal anastomosis.

The patient underwent an emergency conversion to a Roux-en-Y laparoscopic gastric bypass with associated re-gastrectomy. The postoperative period was characterized by fever due to an infected left pleural effusion, which required treatment with chest tube placement. The patient was discharged three weeks after the operation, in good condition. Six-month follow-up was regular.


If suspected, the possibility of marginal ulcer should be investigated as soon as possible. When possible, every obese patient who has complications should be referred to a bariatric surgery department, but each emergency surgeon must be aware of these conditions to be able to treat them optimally.


mini-gastric bypass complication leak marginal ulcer emergency surgery gastrectomy laparoscopy choleperitoneum

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How to Cite
Piatto, G., Sartori, A., & De Luca, M. (2020). Massive choleperitoneum three months after mini-gastric bypass for morbid obesity: what every emergency surgeon should be prepared to face. A case report. Journal of Gastric Surgery, 2(2), 49–52.